Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Bride in Glasses Antique Portrait Notman Photographic Company 3 Park Street 480 Boylston Street Boston, MA

There is a (possibly shorthand?) pencil mark on the back of this antique matted print but I can't make out anything that might identify who this lovely lady might be.

    Her dress and the quality of the photo (very crisp and clear in real life, the scan came out a little blurrier than it really is) as well as the fact that she kept her glasses on for the portrait makes me think she was a woman of significant means and possibly prominent in social circles as she did not seem to bend to presumed social rules/embarrassment of ladies wearing glasses in public and/or formal portraits.

I got er from Debbie at the Upscale Resale Gallery (386 Lindelof Ave, Stoughton, MA) and busted her out of the ugly broken frame she was in.

   With any vintage photos, I often wonder who the person or persons pictured are/were but this one is a little bit special. I have a feeling i would have liked her, whoever she is/was.

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